
People are shown at the Shumard Harness Factory.

Kings Ford is proud to have one of the oldest continuously operating Ford Motor Company franchises in the state of Ohio, dating back to the franchise’s founding in the year 1915. Kings Ford’s franchise with Ford is thought to be the second oldest in continuous operation in our great state of Ohio, second only to Chapman Ford in Marysville, Ohio founded two years earlier in 1913. Although the franchise has changed ownership several times through the years, the past 45 years has been the longest stretch of any singular ownership group or family, dating back to when Bob Ring initiated ownership in 1979. Ironically, the briefest ownership of the franchise is attributed to its founder and local entrepreneurial legend, Victor Dale Shumard, Sr. The franchise today is owned and operated by Bob’s daughter, Carol Fuller (President), and is proud to be one of the few WBENC-Certified Women Owned New Vehicle Dealerships in the state of Ohio (WBE2403658).

In 2024, Kings Ford celebrated its 45th year of ownership and operation by the Ring-Fuller families, which also parlayed into celebrating the 110th anniversary of the franchise in 2025.  On December 4, 2024, the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) announced they would be honoring Kings Ford as one of the oldest continuously operating franchises in the country as a member of their “Century Award Club” at their annual convention in New Orleans in January of 2025.  Kings Ford is amongst the 50 oldest continuously operated new vehicle dealership franchises in the United States to receive the Century Award, and fourth oldest in the state of Ohio.

An RS Ford billboard is shown.

Bob Ring is shown in front of Kings Ford.

People are shown holding an award.

A ford dealership is shown.

People are shown leaning against a Ford in front of a delaership.